Samu wellbeing: Setting goals & building habits
The beginning of a new year can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on the previous year and focus on what’s to come next year. With the New Year often comes the making of New Year’s goals and resolutions, things we would like to start doing, stop doing, do more...
Samu Wellbeing: The benefits of creativity
Often, creativity is considered something innate in people; we’ve been doing it forever, and it’s something that just kind of naturally happens. Intuitively, most people know on some level that being creative is good for you. There are many different theories as to...
Managing final exam stress
Exam season and holiday season is upon us. I know that these can be stressful, but also joyous times. Here are some of my tips and tricks on how to succeed on your exams and how to manage stress. Some of these may be commonly known, but it doesn’t hurt to...
Samu wellbeing: Procrastination
Procrastination Procrastination is a symptom of something else rather than a cause itself Deciphering why you are procrastinating The “real” problem behind your procrastination Figuring out steps to combat that problem What is Procrastination? Procrastination is...
Samu wellbeing: Time management vs. energy management
What is Time Management? Time management is one of the most common methods of ensuring you stay on top of your life. It’s what it sounds like; you schedule all your daily tasks into timeslots throughout the day to make sure you have enough time to get them all...