Is it happening yet?

Aug 14, 2023 | SAMU Blog

This is the point of the season when most, if not all, farmers, gardeners, and food lovers alike LIVE FOR. The first sign that harvest is near! Suddenly every green tomato turned indigo rose, and that red Roma is really starting to emit aromas of JOY! The artichoke (Cardoon) looks like a dinosaur’s ponytail and not to mention; the corn silks’ visual reds make you appreciate such a unique color pallet for something so YELLOW by nature.

I would be remiss if I did not include that everything, and I mean everything, smells so good even if it does not look as such. This beloved rainfall has really turned the plot space around. I noticed that all of the early transplanting efforts (in May) were feeling the fatigue from all the hot spells, mini rainstorms, and dry, dry days, which made for some erratic bolting of my leafy greens and herbs. I will plant some fall crops (turnips, kale, beets) to recover some of the sizzled arugula our hot Sun left us. Yet, hopeful for a harvest that enables me to keep sharing crops and stories with you students. Until then, see you out there!

All this is to say, we still have two more months of growing, and as some of you may know, this is the last season Stepping Stones will be at the Edmonton Urban Farm, so please, find your way to us over in the Northlands for Open Farm Days on August 19th and any other SATURDAY FROM 10-4 PM

-Macey Nortey, SAMU Programs Manager

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