Student Group Spotlight – Muslim Student Organization

May 3, 2023 | SAMU Blog, Student Groups Spotlight



We’re excited to introduce the Student Group Spotlight! Every month, we will feature a different student group to demonstrate the many diverse groups we have at MacEwan and how they all contribute to a vibrant, thriving community on our campus.

Meet The Muslim Student Organization! We sat down with three of their members to discuss how they won the Student Group of the Year award, their work for the community, and what they enjoy most about their involvement with the group.

SAMU: Thanks for sitting down with us! We’re excited to have you as our first Spotlight interview. For our readers, please introduce yourselves.

Adnan: Thank you for having us! My name is Adnan, and I’m a second-year marketing student. I’m also the President of MSO.

Omar: Likewise! I’m Omar, a third-year accounting student and also the Vice-President.

Rowan: And I’m Rowan, a fourth-year psychology student and the Events Coordinator for our group!

SAMU: What is the MSO, and what do you do?

MSO: We are the Muslim Student Organization. As a group, our goal is to form a community for the Muslim students on campus and help them feel included while helping others on campus understand Islam. To do this, we engage in a lot of community work and fundraising initiatives, including raising funds for those impacted by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, a collaboration with the Muslim Students’ Association at the University of Alberta to provide care packages to the homeless on New Years’ Eve, and hosting Iftar to invite students to come together and break their fast.

SAMU: Why did each of you decide to join the MSO?

Adnan: I consider this my real “first year” at MacEwan since my actual first year was entirely online, and I didn’t feel like I got a proper university experience. I wanted to do more than attend classes and complete assignments. At the time, a friend in the MSO invited me to join, and I decided to take that leap. Since I joined, I’ve found myself taking the initiative and following through on big projects, and that effort has paid off!

Omar: Last year, I attended an event where I met the then President of the MSO. While I didn’t know much then, he invited me to attend their next meeting. It was there that I got a feel for the group. I particularly liked their focus on community work. I decided to join, and I haven’t looked back since.

Rowan: I’ve always been interested in student and community involvement, but finding the right group to engage with online took time. When I met Adnan and Omar at an event, they invited me to participate in the group. I got involved with the MSO, and it’s been great! This has been a fantastic opportunity to engage with the community and participate in campus life beyond studying.

SAMU: You recently won the Student Group of the Year award at the SAMU Awards. Congratulations! What does this mean for the MSO?

MSO: Thank you! It makes us feel proud and thrilled to receive this award. It reminds us that the work we’ve put in over the last year has paid off and shows recognition for us as an important part of this community. However, it also reminds us that everything we’ve accomplished is something to build off and keep going. We want to keep improving and hosting more impactful events and initiatives for our community. This award is an essential step in that direction!

SAMU: Tell us about a recent event or initiative you hosted that you’re particularly proud of.

MSO: Every semester, we host a fundraiser by selling boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts, where all the profits go to a charity that is important to us. In the Fall, we sold 160 boxes. While we were proud of this, we wanted to ramp up our efforts for the Winter, and we sold 250 boxes! If we’re honest, though, we could have sold 500 with the interest we got! We were thrilled with the support that came out from the campus community. The fundraiser was a fantastic way to get our name out on campus and raise money for a good cause.

SAMU: What is your favourite part about being a member of the MSO and the Student Groups community?

Omar: The best part about being a member of MSO is the community. We’re recognized as family and friends by everyone we work with and by those we might not have had a relationship with otherwise. There are so many different groups with really diverse interests which we’ve met with (like the Law Club and the Motorsports Club). Being a member of the MSO and the student groups community has opened many doors for me, teaching me a sense of responsibility and pride for our community.

Rowan: It’s a fantastic way to meet people you otherwise wouldn’t, not just within the student groups community but other connections, too. We have to work with many different groups to put on the events we do, and it’s introduced me to so many different people that I just wouldn’t have met if I wasn’t a part of this. On top of that, it adds to the regular university experience of studying. It lets me take on new projects and practice different skills!

Adnan: I love all the work we do. From the fundraisers to the community events, meetings, and everything else, I have so much fun as a member of this group. Meeting more people and getting my name out there has also been great. Now, people recognize me and know who I am, which is great as someone who values both his personal brand and building strong relationships within my community.

SAMU: What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining a student group?

MSO: Go for it! It’s fantastic to be part of a student group. However, be prepared to work. Many expect these groups to be low commitment, but staying active requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work with planning and executing all sorts of projects. Thankfully, this work is so rewarding, and you get back everything you put in! There are so many groups out there, and there’s something for everyone’s interest, so go with something that appeals to you!

You can connect with the Muslim Student Organization on social media through Instagram (@macean.mso), Twitter (@MacEwanMSO), and Facebook (MacEwan MSO), or on their website at

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