What are the Sustainable Development Goals

Mar 12, 2024 | SAMU Wellbeing

Written by: Thea Alfonso | SAMU Wellbeing Assistant

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), they are goals that were adopted by all United Nations Members including Canada with the help of partners and stakeholders to achieve in 2030. These goals will tackle today’s important social, economic, and environmental issues. Such as reducing poverty, growing a sustainable economy, taking action to fight climate change, reaching gender equality, and reconciliation with Indigenous people. There are about 17 goals in total. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, recent food shortages due to extreme weather, and other factors there have been a few setbacks in achieving these goals by 2030.  

  1. No Poverty 
  2. Zero Hunger 
  3. Good Health and Wellbeing  
  4. Quality Education  
  5. Gender Equality  
  6. Clean Water and Sanitation 
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy  
  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth  
  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure 
  10. Reduced Inequalities  
  11. Sustainable Cities, and Communities 
  12. Responsible Consumption and Production  
  13. Climate Action 
  14. Life Below Water 
  15. Life on Land 
  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  17. Partnerships for the Goals  

    If you are interested on how we wish to achieve these goals, there is a Government of Canada webpage dedicated to it and they also let you know how you can get involved with it as well. 

    Why are these goals so important? In reaching these goals we will be changing the world socially, economically, and environmentally for the better by taking care of those who live on the planet (land and water) along with taking care of the planet as well so that we may sustain life and many futures to come.  

    Why do we need to change our world socially? So that everyone regardless of where they are or who they are deserves a life free from poverty, hunger, gender inequality, etc.  

    Why do we need to change our world economically? So that we can consume and produce products responsibly and so that everyone is able to work in a decent work environment.  

    Why do we need to change our world environmentally? So that we can preserve wildlife populations, regrow the world’s tropical forests, and keep our oceans clean.  

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